3RDegree 3RDegree - Connecting

You play this part in fits and starts
Pay no attention to this masquerade
Hell what do they know
It's some name you made

Hopefully you'll find some refuge from yourself
And you know it's too much
Because you've had that blood rush in your head
And you just want to feel again

The trolls are out tonight
We'll raise hell again tonight
Web weaved well again tonight
Why waste time putting up a fight connecting?

You just can't quit tonight
You are the shit tonight
Connecting for real-not projecting the ideal
A scofflaw but what did you steal?

Do you know the way to that place
Where they still touch and talk and feel and breathe?
Another day, a thought relayed
This is the moment you should not delay

A firewall that maybe should be raised
Maybe we can find humanity again
There is no challenge hiding out beneath the fray
Can't feed this ego anymore