3RDegree 3RDegree - Circuit Court

Try keeping a secret in the age of the diode
or emigrating to somewhere no one knows
Try to bury the red flags lurking there in your sordid past
You're on the grid, so do the math-there's no way out
There are no secrets in the modern world-someone's got a line on everything
There's no escaping, there is no return-this is our business:
to know each one of your flaws
A perfect algorithm-everything united and working in tune
to form a hard-wired law with every appeal to be played out in the circuit court

We're crossing all borders-our web is broader and broader
With prisoners as the wardens, more and more
We're storing every face now-keeping everyone in their place now
So just be glad we're not on your case now-there's no way out

Terms and Conditions of the modern world
Someone's got a line on everything
You're in the system
that is our concern-we've got permission-review your Privacy Clause
You're guilty by suspicion
everything united and working in tune
we've got a probable cause
The burden of proof will fall to you in the circuit court

The day of your birth begins a history that never dies
Your permanent worth that anyone can have at a fair-market price

There are no secrets in the modern world
someone's got a line on everything
There's no escaping, there is no return
no more decisions --no taking chances at all
A perfect algorithm
everything's provided and permanently tuned
We're second only to God
give up and give in-you're in the hands of the circuit court

There's no escaping from the modern world
there are no secrets in the modern world-the world in which we live
Your terms of service in the modern world
there's no forgetting in the modern world
What kind of the future in the modern world
there's no escaping from the world